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Showing posts from September, 2021

Daily Wisdom: An article series

Writing is a static profession. One that is as far away from interaction as an event manager is close to it. It is reflective in nature through which a person organizes his or her thoughts on paper. In this case, a digital screen.  As tranquil as it seems on the outside, it puts the writer under a turmoil that is hard to relinquish and almost impossible to escape. Because it is one that grows and recedes inside. As the writer is alone when writing, getting feedback is a slow process. A process so slow that a writer often falls back on his loop of doubts. Doubts are the side effect of any creative or personal endeavor.  He soon stops reaching out for feedback because his bed of thorns feels more comfortable because of proximity.  Writers like artists are underdogs of the society, a safety net that people often fall back on when exhausted by society.  The most crucial part of writing is editing. Refining the craft. Polishing your coal to shape a diamond. But isn't that just another w

Ignorance and its perks.

When it comes to choosing an academic subject to write a book upon, the first advice I received from a Stanford Grad (On YouTube, of course!) was to choose something I was an expert on. I have a lot of varying interests but I barely know in depth about any of them. But having an unembellished past has one advantage. When your past doesn't dictate your choices, you are free to explore and your future holds infinite possibilities.  Writing a book on an academic subject has long since been on my to do list. I spent the summer learning literary analysis and was planning to write an AP guide to analysing Pride and Prejudice. But I have shifted that project to next summer.  Something cropped up my mind. An idea! I have lots of them floating around and some are too crazy and a long shot from my current capabilities. But I treasure then nonetheless.  My idea is to write an interactive and introductory graphic book for Calculus for 11th graders. And I have just begun 11th grade.  I am not a