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Showing posts from November, 2021

Do flowers grow back petals?

Do flowers grow back petals? Ashnia lay in the bed in the dusty attic. Bandages covered parts of her shrivelling body. She closed her eyes. Somewhere pain touched her. It seemed distant. She tried to recall her past and the sour memories came back tumbling after one another without effort. Her career lay in ruins much like her body, her account was running in debt and here she was all alone in the middle of nowhere. The wind rustled through the cracks in the wooden planks. The house was falling apart, she noticed. It was the fourth time the thought had crossed her mind. There wasn't a lot to ponder over. The small hole in the wooden wall had gotten bigger. Perhaps, it was a mouse. Her mind drifted to the letter she had received last year in the mail. She was to be deported to India from America. Her Visa Application had been cancelled. The land which she had dreamt and fought to live on, was pushing her away. At that time, her body had quaked with rage. A rage which almost blinds